Etcetera #23: Searching For (A Supreme Court) Justice

- Are the accusations of Dr. Ford (and others) true or false? And what do we do if we can't know for sure?
- Who is the true victim here?
- How much are political games tainting the process?
- And in the end, has Kavenaugh shown himself to be the kind of man worthy of a Supreme Court nomination?
Easy questions, really... this should be a breeze....
You can listen to Etcetera #23: Searching For (A Supreme Court) Justice on Soundcloud or on various podcast apps (such as Podcast Addict or Stitcher Radio). As always, we appreciate interaction with you! Feel free to comment on this blog or on our Facebook page. We value your feedback, as well as any ideas for future guests or shows!
Here is the link Beth mentioned: "Brett Kavanaugh's Unlikely Story About Democrats' Stolen Emails" at the Washington Post.
Some further thoughts from Anthony on "Reaping The Whirlwind"
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